Friday, February 25, 2011

Sore is Good

There is a fear among women in particular that to be sore is to have over done it.  Let's be sure and qualify sore here.  When you're so sore that you have to bounce down the stairs on your butt...that's too sore.  If when you walk up the stairs your legs gently remind your of a workout...That's Perfect.

When our muscles are sore it simply means that during our workout we pushed it enough that tiny tears were created in the muscle belly structure.  By doing that our body has to repair such tears.  Guess what it uses......Calories and nutrients from our diet!  Yes, that's right...your actually increasing your metabolism by doing this. 

How do we make those constant changes in our muscles?  Weight and strength training is the number 1 best way to increase that metabolism on a regular basis.  These programs are best managed by a professional.  Taking a class or getting a personal trainer to get you started is the best way to do it safely without any experience.  Variety is the key.  Variety in weight, variety in range of the motion, variety in  the number of reps, and variety in equipment used will all get the job done.  

One last reminder....Working out is not a license to eat whatever you want.  You want results...You have to watch what you eat and realize your body needs fuel not high fat junk filled with sugar and salt. 

Looking for variety?  Of course this is where I raise my hand and say come to one of my classes!  They are all listed on our website  or

If your at a stand still and your not losing the weight you want to lose....embrace the variety. 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 whites (added a little Parmesan cheese), 1 cup Special K cereal (not my fav.)
Snack: nuts and a banana
Lunch: Left over Chinese (white meat chicken and rice)
Snack: Cottage Cheese and about 12 Pretzel Crisps
Dinner: No idea...Mamas not cookin' tonight.  Also not going for BBQ
Snack: Air popped popcorn,


My Workout Today:
Treadmill workout:  2 min run, 1 min walk, increasing to 3 min run 1 min walk.  (30 minutes) Finishing with abs and Gluts.

Watch for the best glut workout ever this weekend!

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