Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 3 Have a little self control!

Ok, so the key to success is having self control.  The self control not to buy sugar snacks, not to pick at my kids half finished meal, not to munch when I'm not hungry!  My sweet husband brought food in last night and I did ok ordering...a veggi
e sandwhich with all the sauces on the side (didn't actually come that way) and a side salad instead of fries.  Did I mention that he also felt the need to bring home a gigantic slice of chocolate cake!  Holy cow it was tasty.  I didn't each much of it but those few bites I did have were amazing.  Now I can check chocolate off my list for a few weeks. 

My advice for ordering food when eating out is simple..."On the side"  Followed up with..."I requested on the side last time and it didn't come that way, I really prefer to add my own sauce".  Another key, always ask for a side salad or steamed veggies instead of the sides offered.  Most of the sides offered are super high in fat and calories.  That being said...dont' send your husband to pick up your to-go order!

My meals today:
Breakfast: Egg with 2 whites, 2 slices of whole wheat toast with low sugar apricot jam.  (nursing an upset stomach from that stickin cake!)
Snack: handful of unsalted (roasted) peanuts...should have added a fruit or whole grain needs to eat!
Lunch: whole wheat wrap with natural peanut butter, sliced banana, and aguave favorite.
Snack: Almonds, sliced kiwi,
Dinner: Friend is brining dinner
Snack: Greek Yogurt with blueberries.

Diaper Changing Exercise:  Tricep Dips...I forgot several times yesterday. 

**I'll try and get that short workout in today and add about 20 mins of treadmill walking time.

If your taking the journey with me I recommend taking a picture of yourself today.  Make it a flattering profile shot in clothes that really show your current shape.  In 1 month re-take the picture and see if you can tell a difference.  Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves in the moment.  Being able to look back and see a change is really awesome.  (I was going to post mine but I just can't do it). 

Have a great day!

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