Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is it all in the lbs?

Let's face it, everyone appreciates a number.  Whether theres a dollar sign attached to it or that good old lbs, numbers tell us something.  When running my nutrition program I encourage clients to find another way of measuring success.  How about the way your clothes fit?  Or maybe how you feel when you look in the mirror.  What about your energy level? 

Here's the thing...The scale can lie.  It may tell you that you've gained a pound and you automatically assume it's a "fat pound".  If your weight training and you've recently started your program, it's quite likely you've gained a pound of muscle.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  Keeping that in mind, it also it in a much prettier package.  Fat floats around in certain areas of the body with no real compartment.  Muscle is a compartmentalized tissue that looks beautiul in it's package. 

Find a new way to measure your success.  If you've got a significant amount of weight to lose (ie. more than 20 lbs) you'll see that scale drop a lot initially.  A few weeks into your program you might notice a small weight gain or a static pattern.  What does that mean?  The body is bored and needs a jump start to get moving again.  More attention to nutrition, more exercise, tougher weight training program or a combination is more likely.  As I start to see the pounds come off I can note the changes in my routine.  I've added more cardio movement, paid closer attention to portions, and noticing when I'm really hungry. 

Yesterday I measured my body to also note the inches lost over a few weeks time.  I'll measure again in abut 2 weeks.  The best places to measuire: waist (at belly button), hips (at widest place), thigh. 

Meals today:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 whites, small bowl of Bran Flakes with berries
Snack: a handful of peanuts and some berries
Lunch: 6" sub from Subway (turkey, all veggies, with spinach, mustard)
Snack: Grapefruit, a few multigrain crackers with peanut butter.
Dinner: going out TBA
Snack: Air popped Pop corn

Have a great weekend.  Had a great walk today and fantastic workout yesterday in my basement.  My Shoulders and Biceps are sore today...feels great!

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