Friday, February 4, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall....Holy Moly!

Early morning shower, baby still asleep, kids getting ready for school, the smell of coffee permeates the's going to be a great day.  Stepping out of the shower I catch a glimpse of my naked body (at least I think it's my body) in the unusually large mirror in our bathroom.  I have to admit, it is sort of a downer to see how much my body has changed and wonder...Will it ever look the same again?

I teach fitness classes and run a nutrition program and throughout both I preach to women about loving their new body.  Focusing on what my "new body" will look like will be harder than I thought.  Finding a healthy middle place to see my image in the mirror without criticizing my appearance but celebrating where I've been and what I have to show for it. 

Meals Today:
Breakfast:  Bran Flakes with raisins and Soy Milk, slice of cheddar cheese (not the best protein option but time was limited today)
Snack: Apple, almonds
Lunch: Slice of whole wheat bread with tuna fish and raw spinach, open face.  1/2 grapefruit.
Snack: Cottage Cheese, cucumber slices, a few w/w crackers
Dinner: Not sure yet...eating out or soup. 
Snack: Rice Cake with peanut butter. 

Ab workout today:
Pilate's breaths, 10 crunch hold (holding for 6 breaths),  Side plank from knees Hold 6 breaths...8 lift and lowers.  Glut Squeeze (lay on belly, knees bent, feet flexed, press hips into floor and lift thighs off ground) Hold 8 breaths. REPEAT  ALL 3 TIMES

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