Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ohhhh The Power of Group Exercise!

For those of you counting, no I'm not quite 6 weeks postpartum yet.  I have not seen my Dr. either so I'm really going on how I feel and taking it very slow.  I also have the benefit of owning my exercise business so no one was there to turn me away.  Today I went back to my Fit 2b Moms stroller class for the first time.  I took the low impact cardio options and the did the majority of the strength portions in the class using my trusty Muscle Bar. I had a nice workout for where I am and don't feel exhausted (other than this cold I'm fighting).  It made me realize how amazing a group workout is for new moms.  Not only did it feel good to get my heart pumpin again but I really enjoyed reconnecting with my friends.  My advice, find a group exercise class in your area.  If there are stroller based classes call now and let them know you'd like to visit when your cleared to exercise.  Finding a group of women who share a common goal of fitness and are at the same place in life (new baby fog) is super helpful and very motivating. 

If your in the Ft. Collins or Northern Colorado area check out our website at: http://www.fit2bmoms.net/ 
We are also on meetup.com at ncfit2bmoms@meetup.com 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy protein (1 scoop), a Tbsp of natural peanut butter amd aguave.
Snack: banana, 1/2 apple, and a few nuts
Lunch: Whole wheat Turkey wrap (from Sunflower Market) probably too much mayo!
Snack: Greek yogurt with blueberries and Grape Nuts Cereal
Dinner: Chicken Burrito Bowls (black beans, brown rice, corn, grilled peppers and onions, a little cheese and sour cream, lettuce, and salsa...Really you won't miss the tortilla at all!
Snack: Carmel Rice Cake with Soy milk.

Workout today:
Already went to class this morning but I will still do my ab workout below:
Start with breathing (exhale belly to spine), Basic crunch hold for 8 breaths (repeat 3 times)
Add Knees up (90 hips, 90 knees) exhale up to crunch position and hold for 8 breathes (repeat 3 times)
Side plank on knees (make sure you knees are lined up with your elbow) Hold off mat for 6 breaths (repeat twice). 
Side plank dips: Same as above with added hip drop and exhale to lift. 

The last 3 days I've walked for 30 mins.  Hoping to fight off this cold with my fists up!

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