Friday, February 25, 2011

Sore is Good

There is a fear among women in particular that to be sore is to have over done it.  Let's be sure and qualify sore here.  When you're so sore that you have to bounce down the stairs on your butt...that's too sore.  If when you walk up the stairs your legs gently remind your of a workout...That's Perfect.

When our muscles are sore it simply means that during our workout we pushed it enough that tiny tears were created in the muscle belly structure.  By doing that our body has to repair such tears.  Guess what it uses......Calories and nutrients from our diet!  Yes, that's right...your actually increasing your metabolism by doing this. 

How do we make those constant changes in our muscles?  Weight and strength training is the number 1 best way to increase that metabolism on a regular basis.  These programs are best managed by a professional.  Taking a class or getting a personal trainer to get you started is the best way to do it safely without any experience.  Variety is the key.  Variety in weight, variety in range of the motion, variety in  the number of reps, and variety in equipment used will all get the job done.  

One last reminder....Working out is not a license to eat whatever you want.  You want results...You have to watch what you eat and realize your body needs fuel not high fat junk filled with sugar and salt. 

Looking for variety?  Of course this is where I raise my hand and say come to one of my classes!  They are all listed on our website  or

If your at a stand still and your not losing the weight you want to lose....embrace the variety. 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 whites (added a little Parmesan cheese), 1 cup Special K cereal (not my fav.)
Snack: nuts and a banana
Lunch: Left over Chinese (white meat chicken and rice)
Snack: Cottage Cheese and about 12 Pretzel Crisps
Dinner: No idea...Mamas not cookin' tonight.  Also not going for BBQ
Snack: Air popped popcorn,


My Workout Today:
Treadmill workout:  2 min run, 1 min walk, increasing to 3 min run 1 min walk.  (30 minutes) Finishing with abs and Gluts.

Watch for the best glut workout ever this weekend!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The 4 Eating Out Words to Memorize


A few evenings ago we ventured out for dinner as a new family of 5.  My husband the BBQ lover pleaded with me to try a new restaurant in town.  Not being a huge meat eater I tend to shy away from BBQ places because there isn't much on the menu to suite me.  Nevertheless, he talked me into BBQ. 

We pull up and realize that it's not really a sit down and be waited on restaurant. It's along the lines of Fresh Food Fast (Just slower fast food in my book).  Taking a look at the menu posted above the register I'm searching for something for both my kids and me.  The hubbie has already ordered his ribs and is fine with a plate full of meat for dinner.  Finally I see something that actually came from the ground...a baked potato. 
When I speak up to order this "baked potato" the guy at the register got really excited and said it was their special and the best thing on the menu in his opinion.  Upon asking whats on the potato I reconfirmed why we as Americans are fat and in poor health, listen to this...

"First we put butter, sour cream, and chives on it.  Then we pour melted cheese sauce over the top.  But the best part is the scoop of pulled pork that goes on top!"

ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME!  Ok, I didn't say that but certainly my face showed it.  The words that came next..."Can I have the potato naked with everything on the side".  (They were going to charge me the same amount for the potato all by itself anyway.)

So, I had an entire meal (naked potato, and pulled pork) for a lot less calories and money.  Sure wish there had been even 1 vegetable on the menu. 

Remember....ON THE SIDE PLEASE....Then you decide what to put on your sandwich, salad, potato, etc.  Restaurants typically sauce everything to the max. Ask for all sauces on the side...

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: 2 egg whites and 1 egg, 2 w/w pieces of toast with low sugar apricot jam.
Snack: Quick handful of peanuts
Lunch: cottage Cheese with Pretzel Crisps (see below), grapes and water.
Snack: smoothie (greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, soy protein, scoop cottage cheese, a little soy milk and tsp aguave syrup)
Dinner: Homemade w/w pizza with veggies and chicken.
Snack: Rice Cake with peanut butter

**Sick kids really throw a wrench in your eating plans.  I've been missing snacks and throwing together meals for a couple days. Hopefully I'm back on track today.

My Workout Today:
Working on a good baseline 3 mile run.  Today I'll do 2 min run... 1min walk for 20-30 mins. 
My usual ab workout (if everyone leaves me alone for a few minutes)

Have a great day and please share this with friends. 

Try Pretzel Crisps!  These satisfy your chip craving with a baked whole wheat pretzel.  The everything flavor is lower in sodium and only 110 calories for 11 pretzels.  Not bad!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is it all in the lbs?

Let's face it, everyone appreciates a number.  Whether theres a dollar sign attached to it or that good old lbs, numbers tell us something.  When running my nutrition program I encourage clients to find another way of measuring success.  How about the way your clothes fit?  Or maybe how you feel when you look in the mirror.  What about your energy level? 

Here's the thing...The scale can lie.  It may tell you that you've gained a pound and you automatically assume it's a "fat pound".  If your weight training and you've recently started your program, it's quite likely you've gained a pound of muscle.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  Keeping that in mind, it also it in a much prettier package.  Fat floats around in certain areas of the body with no real compartment.  Muscle is a compartmentalized tissue that looks beautiul in it's package. 

Find a new way to measure your success.  If you've got a significant amount of weight to lose (ie. more than 20 lbs) you'll see that scale drop a lot initially.  A few weeks into your program you might notice a small weight gain or a static pattern.  What does that mean?  The body is bored and needs a jump start to get moving again.  More attention to nutrition, more exercise, tougher weight training program or a combination is more likely.  As I start to see the pounds come off I can note the changes in my routine.  I've added more cardio movement, paid closer attention to portions, and noticing when I'm really hungry. 

Yesterday I measured my body to also note the inches lost over a few weeks time.  I'll measure again in abut 2 weeks.  The best places to measuire: waist (at belly button), hips (at widest place), thigh. 

Meals today:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 whites, small bowl of Bran Flakes with berries
Snack: a handful of peanuts and some berries
Lunch: 6" sub from Subway (turkey, all veggies, with spinach, mustard)
Snack: Grapefruit, a few multigrain crackers with peanut butter.
Dinner: going out TBA
Snack: Air popped Pop corn

Have a great weekend.  Had a great walk today and fantastic workout yesterday in my basement.  My Shoulders and Biceps are sore today...feels great!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pass the water please!

As a nursing mom I have once again discovered the power of being hydrated.  Because I'm not blessed with huge amounts of milk on board I have to be super hydrated just to keep up with the demand of my little guy.  Drinking water is the first step in my nutrition program called Make it Stick.  If your not a big water drinker (even if your not nursing) consider eliminating the majority of drinks from your diet and substituting water.  Here's why:

1. Hunger is the sensation felt by your body when your dehydrated.  It triggers you to eat which in turn triggers you to drink something.  (Obviously sometimes hunger sensations mean your hungry).  If you ate less than 2 hours prior, try a big glass of water.

2. The average person should drink 80-90 oz of water daily.  That's about 3 nalgene bottles. 

3.  Caffeine and alcohol will dehydrate your body.  Stick to water! 

4. The body requires adequate hydration for organ function

5. Your skin also benefits from hydration and the elimination of soda from your diet...try it!

Start hydrating your body today!  Yes, you will pee alot the first 24 to 48 hours.  Once the body has flushed out the water it's been storing (in case of emergency), you'll feel great and you'll notice fewer trips to the bathroom!

If you've taken the water challenge and drink 90oz a day please leave a comment for those who aren't so sure to read. 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 whites, 1 cup Grape Nuts cereal with blueberries
Snack:  Nut, cranberry, and vanilla chip trail mix (Sunflower Market blend)...
Lunch: w/w turkey wrap with mustard and spinach leaves.
Snack: Carmel Rice cake with peanut butter (natural)
Dinner: Couscous mixed with tomatoes, left over grilled chicken, garbanzo beans, feta, and sundried tomatoes. (My kids even liked it....SCORE!)
Snack:  Ok see below for my own microwave version of apple berry crisp.

1/4 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup soy milk
1/2 an apple (chopped)
1 handful of blueberries
scoop of soy protein powder
Cinnamon (pinch)
1 tsp maple syrup
**Mix together and microwave for about 1 min. 

Workout today:
Still feeling yuck so I did my ab workout from yesterday in hopes I would feel well enough for Fit 2b Moms Stroller class in the am. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ohhhh The Power of Group Exercise!

For those of you counting, no I'm not quite 6 weeks postpartum yet.  I have not seen my Dr. either so I'm really going on how I feel and taking it very slow.  I also have the benefit of owning my exercise business so no one was there to turn me away.  Today I went back to my Fit 2b Moms stroller class for the first time.  I took the low impact cardio options and the did the majority of the strength portions in the class using my trusty Muscle Bar. I had a nice workout for where I am and don't feel exhausted (other than this cold I'm fighting).  It made me realize how amazing a group workout is for new moms.  Not only did it feel good to get my heart pumpin again but I really enjoyed reconnecting with my friends.  My advice, find a group exercise class in your area.  If there are stroller based classes call now and let them know you'd like to visit when your cleared to exercise.  Finding a group of women who share a common goal of fitness and are at the same place in life (new baby fog) is super helpful and very motivating. 

If your in the Ft. Collins or Northern Colorado area check out our website at: 
We are also on at 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy protein (1 scoop), a Tbsp of natural peanut butter amd aguave.
Snack: banana, 1/2 apple, and a few nuts
Lunch: Whole wheat Turkey wrap (from Sunflower Market) probably too much mayo!
Snack: Greek yogurt with blueberries and Grape Nuts Cereal
Dinner: Chicken Burrito Bowls (black beans, brown rice, corn, grilled peppers and onions, a little cheese and sour cream, lettuce, and salsa...Really you won't miss the tortilla at all!
Snack: Carmel Rice Cake with Soy milk.

Workout today:
Already went to class this morning but I will still do my ab workout below:
Start with breathing (exhale belly to spine), Basic crunch hold for 8 breaths (repeat 3 times)
Add Knees up (90 hips, 90 knees) exhale up to crunch position and hold for 8 breathes (repeat 3 times)
Side plank on knees (make sure you knees are lined up with your elbow) Hold off mat for 6 breaths (repeat twice). 
Side plank dips: Same as above with added hip drop and exhale to lift. 

The last 3 days I've walked for 30 mins.  Hoping to fight off this cold with my fists up!

Friday, February 11, 2011

To Shop or Not to Shop...That IS the Question

If you've had a baby you or lost a significant amount of weight you know what I'm talking about.  Currently I have a closet full of clothes that are too small for me.  Subsequently I'm donning some very cute yoga pants trying to make due with a few workout jackets, some long sweaters, and nursing tank tops.  Super Sexy!  So, do I hang tough and be thankful I don't have to go to a real job in yoga pants.  Or, do I buck up and spend some money on pants that I pray won't fit me in a few weeks.  Hmmm, yoga pants it is.  A third child also means watching the budget a bit more. 

I had a great workout today with my sweet 6 year old Max.  He ran on the treadmill, did some "push-ups", and a few ab exercises.  I also took the time to incorporate the baby for my ab and glut work.  My middle child Sydney loved doing monkey squats with mommy.  Basically she hangs on to me like a monkey while I power out 20 squats with the extra weight.  Great day.

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: 3 egg omelet (2 eggs, 1 white) 1/4 cup f/f cottage cheese.
Snack:  nuts, apple (my favorite on the go errand running snack)
Lunch: Soup and salad
Snack: apple sauce (unsweetened) w/w tortilla with peanut butter
Dinner: Chicken and broccoli sauce with green salad. 
Snack: Baked Apple and Blueberries (see above blog for recipe)

Diaper workout:
Continuing with 20 squats 6 times a day.  As mentioned above, toddlers make great extra challenge.  Just be sure your form is good and they are close to your body. 

Looking forward to 60 degrees and a long walk tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh Where or Where Did the Day Go?

The days are flashing by and progress is slow.  Taking care of my 3 kids has to come first.   Taking the back seat is me and my need for exercise.  I sit here at the computer while my little one sleeps and my 3 year old hangs out with grandma for a few hours.  What am I doing?  I'm alternating between blog, work, and lunges.  Sound crazy?  I'm determined to get back into triathlon racing and would like to play recreation soccer in the spring.  I know my knees (old soccer joints) won't do well with 15 extra pounds stacked on top of them.  As part of this process I'm posting my goals on the bathroom mirror.  Not my weight loss goals but my real goals (finishing a tri in July, playing soccer in March, etc.).
 Next to those goals I have a picture of my family...they were worth every inch and pound. 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: 1 egg 1 white, bran flakes, blue berries, soy milk.
Snack: Bird Seed bar (probably too much sugar)
Lunch: Tortilla soup, w/w tortilla, kiwi
Snack: Greek Yogurt with berries
Dinner: Hibashi with in laws (grilled chicken with veggies)  Gonna look at the menu ahead of time.
Snack: Carmel Rice Cake with a few nuts.

Instead of a Diaper Changing Exercise today I'm focusing on my legs.  The biggest muscles in our body...also burning them most calories with strength training. 
So, 6 times today I'll do baby squats (15 each time).  Holding baby firmly too my chest and sitting back into a squat.  Your knees are not going over your toes....your knees should hardly move. 

Need form help?  Place a chair behind you, lower down toward the seat and press through your heels as you stand up. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yes, I'm eating Dessert!

Let me just say that breast feeding makes me hungry beyond any day of my entire pregnancy.  Because I could probably eat all day I need to make sure I'm buying lot's of fruits and veggies and stocking my fridge with guilt free foods.  Let's be honest, sometimes an apple just doesn't cut the sweet tooth that has ravaged my body since my teenage years.  Below are 2 recipes given to me by friends that really satisfy and offer some much needed protein to my snack.

Bird Seed Bars:
2/3 cup sesame seeds
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup flax seeds
1/3 cup creamy natural peanut butter
1/3 cup honey (or aguave syrup...lower in sugar)
Toast seeds in a dry skillet. Heat honey and peanut butter in a pan and stir in seeds.  Line 11 x 7 pan with wax paper and press mixture in to bottom of pan.  Cool  and store in fridge.

Baked Apples:
Slice up 2 or 3 Gala apples (or your favorite)
Place in a baking dish with some orange or apple juice coating the bottom of the pan. 
Mix together: oats, some whole wheat flour, 2 Tb of butter, 2 Tb Maple syrup (sugar free if you want), and a handful of walnuts.  Fork together and sprinkle over apples.  Bake at 350 for about 10-15 mins. 

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: Oatmeal, scoop soy protein, raisins, aguave syrup.
Snack: almonds and a banana
Lunch: Panera (chicken soup, 1/2 turkey sand on w/w)
Snack: Apple with peanut butter....some of the bird seed bar (probably too much)
Dinner: Yummy Chicken Tortilla soup, slice of w/w bread and green salad
Snack: Baked Apple Dessert!

Slacked off on the Diaper Changing exercise today.  However, I did shovel my driveway which only further proved my need for core work.  It's amazing how often we use our core muscles and how much our backs can compensate when the anterior ab muscles are weak.  Not a good scenario...if your abs are weak strengthen them before your back takes over!

Monday, February 7, 2011

1 Week Down!

I'm a huge proponent of eating healthy as a lifestyle and not just when you need to drop a few pounds.  This morning on the Today show they did a story based on the question, "Do we as Americans put too much emphasis on being in shape and having the body to show for it?".  I have to say that when it comes to being fit I don't think we put enough emphasis on it.  Although I think we could all do without the shapely bodies on the cover of fitness and health magazines, there is still a lot to be said for taking fitness and exercise seriously. 

My son's school began their yearly program called On the Move which aims to keep kids accountable for the foods they eat and how much exercise they get.  It's so great to see him consciously eating more vegetables during the day. I have to admit that the winter months are really tough for getting in tons of exercise.  Instead of his usually hour of basketball or riding his bike after school we are getting creative with our indoor mini trampoline and wii sport games.  If every one took 2 months to hold themselves accountable for more activity and a healthier diet we'd all be significantly healthier! 

My Meals:
Breakfast: Bran flakes with fresh blueberries, lt soy milk, 2 egg whites.
Snack: unsalted peanuts, grapes
Lunch:  Tuna (tuna mixed with nf greek yogurt, a little sweet relish, and a squirt of mayo) on w/w slice of bread with spinach leaves. 1/2 grapefruit
Snack: oatmeal with soy protein, and flaxseed, and aguave syrup.
Dinner: Chicken (spicy seasoning), brown rice, asparagus
Snack: carmel rice cake with soy milk.

Diaper Changing Exercise:
This week I'll be alternating between 10 dips and 10 push-ups.  Still modifying my push-ups until I feel like my abs are strong enough to remain flat and tight on the lift and lower. 

Hoping to get a treadmill walk in today.  IF I get that opportunity, I'll alternate 5 min walk with squats and static lunges to keep my knees protected. 

Have a great day everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall....Holy Moly!

Early morning shower, baby still asleep, kids getting ready for school, the smell of coffee permeates the's going to be a great day.  Stepping out of the shower I catch a glimpse of my naked body (at least I think it's my body) in the unusually large mirror in our bathroom.  I have to admit, it is sort of a downer to see how much my body has changed and wonder...Will it ever look the same again?

I teach fitness classes and run a nutrition program and throughout both I preach to women about loving their new body.  Focusing on what my "new body" will look like will be harder than I thought.  Finding a healthy middle place to see my image in the mirror without criticizing my appearance but celebrating where I've been and what I have to show for it. 

Meals Today:
Breakfast:  Bran Flakes with raisins and Soy Milk, slice of cheddar cheese (not the best protein option but time was limited today)
Snack: Apple, almonds
Lunch: Slice of whole wheat bread with tuna fish and raw spinach, open face.  1/2 grapefruit.
Snack: Cottage Cheese, cucumber slices, a few w/w crackers
Dinner: Not sure yet...eating out or soup. 
Snack: Rice Cake with peanut butter. 

Ab workout today:
Pilate's breaths, 10 crunch hold (holding for 6 breaths),  Side plank from knees Hold 6 breaths...8 lift and lowers.  Glut Squeeze (lay on belly, knees bent, feet flexed, press hips into floor and lift thighs off ground) Hold 8 breaths. REPEAT  ALL 3 TIMES

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 4 Sleepy Mommy Syndrome

News Flash! 
Moms have another aspect of life to deal with when working to lose or gain control of baby weight.  It's called  LACK OF SLEEP!  I say this quietly as my sweet children take a much needed nap.  Me...a quick snooze then it's off to fold laundry, clean up a mesy house, and hopefully squeeze in a quick bite to eat, email check, and maybe a workout.

Sleep and Rest are essential parts to recovery and something the body must have to function properly.  Squeeze in short naps those first few weeks.  The workout is secondary to sleep. I should also mention that I had a normal vaginal delivery without complication and this is my 3rd child.  First time moms tend to need more recovery time as the body adjusts.   

My Meals Today:
Breakfast: Peanut butter (natural) on whole wheat toast, coffee....Had to get kids off to school...
Snack:  Oatmeal with soy protein (1 Tbsp), raisins, and aguave syrup
Lunch: Left over veggie soup and 2 slices of Great Harvest 9 grain bread
Snack: Apple with peanut butter
Dinner:  Green Salad with Spinach, cucumber, tomatoe, and tuna with whole grain bread (family having Sloppy Joes...YUCK!)
Snack: chocolate Chip Rice Cake with soy milk 

Diaper Changing Exercise Today:
For the next 2 days I'm working on my push-up form.  On my knees and really focusing on exhaling my belly button to my spine on the way up.  I'm only doing 10 and I'm not dropping all the way to the floor.  Super important to have those abs reform to protect your back and coreset your core before really focusing on the abs. 

Workout Today: 20 mins Used Muscle Bar
Chest = Push up practice, Floor chest press (2 mins of squeezing bar together), REPEAT 3 times

Outer thigh = Side lying bar resting on top leg.  Lift and lower 20 times, Circles 20 times REPEAT and change sides.

Biceps = Basic curls (slow with big exhale) about 25, Hammer curls 12 REPEAT

Same Ab exercises as yesterday.  Added side plank from knees.  Hold for 8 breaths (2 times each side)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 3 Have a little self control!

Ok, so the key to success is having self control.  The self control not to buy sugar snacks, not to pick at my kids half finished meal, not to munch when I'm not hungry!  My sweet husband brought food in last night and I did ok ordering...a veggi
e sandwhich with all the sauces on the side (didn't actually come that way) and a side salad instead of fries.  Did I mention that he also felt the need to bring home a gigantic slice of chocolate cake!  Holy cow it was tasty.  I didn't each much of it but those few bites I did have were amazing.  Now I can check chocolate off my list for a few weeks. 

My advice for ordering food when eating out is simple..."On the side"  Followed up with..."I requested on the side last time and it didn't come that way, I really prefer to add my own sauce".  Another key, always ask for a side salad or steamed veggies instead of the sides offered.  Most of the sides offered are super high in fat and calories.  That being said...dont' send your husband to pick up your to-go order!

My meals today:
Breakfast: Egg with 2 whites, 2 slices of whole wheat toast with low sugar apricot jam.  (nursing an upset stomach from that stickin cake!)
Snack: handful of unsalted (roasted) peanuts...should have added a fruit or whole grain needs to eat!
Lunch: whole wheat wrap with natural peanut butter, sliced banana, and aguave favorite.
Snack: Almonds, sliced kiwi,
Dinner: Friend is brining dinner
Snack: Greek Yogurt with blueberries.

Diaper Changing Exercise:  Tricep Dips...I forgot several times yesterday. 

**I'll try and get that short workout in today and add about 20 mins of treadmill walking time.

If your taking the journey with me I recommend taking a picture of yourself today.  Make it a flattering profile shot in clothes that really show your current shape.  In 1 month re-take the picture and see if you can tell a difference.  Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves in the moment.  Being able to look back and see a change is really awesome.  (I was going to post mine but I just can't do it). 

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 2 (my portion

Before I continue I do want those watching to know I don't expect to lose a ton of weight in the next week.  A gradual loss with some good old fashioned exercise and nutrition is the way to go.  That being said, I need to work on my portion control.  Because I'm nursing I'm factoring in some extra calories and meals but need to work on not eating so much in one sitting.  The food in my fridge isn't going anywhere and neither am I (at -20 degrees outside).  My focus today is discipline and portion control.

My Meals Today:

Breakfast: Scrambled egg with 2 whites. Bran flakes with blueberries and soy milk.
Snack: Almonds, unsalted peanuts, raisins
Lunch: Homemade veggie and bean soup (Thanks Andie!) whole wheat tortilla, Quinoa salad (see below)
Snack: Greek Yogurt with fruit
Dinner: Left over soup, spinach and green salad
Snack: Rice cake (chocolate chip of course) with peanut butter.

Quinoa Salad:  So I'm new at making this stuff (needs lot's of rinsing)  Check out this site for some thoughts on how to cook this stuff.
I put cucumber, tomatoes, and feta in my salad. 

Workout today:
Ab workout from yesterday. 
Getting the muscle bar out again today....Gonna do Chest, Gluts, Biceps

Diaper Change Exercise:
Stickin with Tricep Dips....10-12 per change. 

 Water: Again, shooting for 90-100 oz.