Monday, March 28, 2011

It's Not in The Box!

Wouldn't it be so easy if we could just take a pill, eat special food from a box, and get that great toned body from a 10 min guaranteed workout?  Of course it would but let's be honest, nutrition isn't found in a box or frozen Lean Cuisine and a fit lean body isn't obtained in 1 or 2 short workouts every week.  That's right you're actually going to have to work hard, say no thank you to that cupcake and get you butt off the couch to workout 5 days a week or more. 

Given that there are lot's of variables to weight loss let's just shoot down the food in a box thing right now.  In my opinion....the main reason to pass on boxed or frozen meals is the sodium and empty calories.  In all honesty you can do it better yourself.  Your version will taste better, be made with fresh veggies and whole grains (If your follow your Make it Stick plan), and be much lower in sodium. 

Here's the thing.  Our bodies do need sodium.  Athletes or those that workout on a regular basis sweating off fluids need sodium to maintain balance in their bodies.  However, 600mg of sodium for a 300 calories meal seems a bit excessive.  The total amount of sodium suggested per day (FDA) is about 2400mg.  When your trying to lose weight excess sodium adds water weight to your body and in some cases edema (pockets of fluid often in ankles).  Do yourself a favor...make it from scratch and you'll have that easy access meal in your fridge to take to work or eat for lunch.

Here's what I'm having tonight for dinner.  I'll make a bit extra so I can have it for lunch tomorrow.
Pesto Shrimp Pasta
Shrimp and veggie pasta: (could use chicken)
Saute shrimp in a pan with a little olive oil, garlic, and fresh squeezed lemon.  Set aside
Saute fresh veggies of your choice ( I use, zucchini, squash, asparagus, peppers, spinach) in olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and add fresh basil.  Cook until veggies are still crunchy.  Add shrimp back into veggies mixture to heat.  Mix with whole wheat angle hair pasta (portion size of a cupped handful) add feta cheese and serve!

Drink your 80-90 oz of water every day and you'll notice that scale dip, another few inches off, and the added bonuses such as a clearer complexion etc. 

By the way for those of you paying attention...I'm down another pound since last week and 2 1/2 inches overall.  Certainly slow moving but I know that what comes off slow...stays off forever. 

have a great week!

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