Someone asked me this question yesterday and I thought it deserved a more detailed answer. It's also something I'm sure many of you have pondered. "Is it just as good to exercise everyday for 10-20 mins vs. 30 mins 3-4 days a week?" Seems like a logical question. Mathematically it all comes out to the same amount of time but is it the same quality? Research is ongoing on this subject. If you want my opinion as a personal trainer, and busy mom you can rack out a pretty great workout in less than 30 mins. However, (you knew there would be a however) it needs to be very intense and constant for that 10-20 mins. That being said if your someone who is typically sedentary and you have over 30 lbs to lose your going to see improvements to your body with either form of exercise. So if getting started seems less daunting with daily 10 min workouts with greater intensity...go for it. My suggestion, be sure to have a few different weight variations available.
For beginners: 5lb and an 8lb
Intermediate: 8lb and 10lb
Advanced: 10lb and 15lb
*exercise ands and tubing are awesome and cheap ways to vary your weight. I love the Muscle Bar! It's a weighted bar that you can attach a resistance band to. Go to and type in Momsinmotion upon purchase for a discount.
So if your having a busy week and just need to get in a few quick workouts check out the one below.
Overall, if you want to see long term gains and increased weight loss, endurance, or speed...go for the longer duration more frequent brand of workout.
10 Min Intense Workout:
(have a wall timer or something you can see count down the time. Start the timer at 15 min (march/jog in place for 5 mins before starting timer)
*The idea is to rest when you need to. For example: if you need to rest 30 sec. into the squat jump rest and come back. If the minute has already passed you move on to the next exercise.
1 min squat jumps (squat down jump up)
Push-ups (1 min)
Bicep curls with squats squat down curl, stand up curl....(1 min)
Run in place with hand weights (lighter side based on above level) (1 min)
Chest press from floor in bridge position (use heavier end weights) (1 min)
REPEAT series 5 times (no rest between unless your body needs it.
Have fun and if you need clarification on these exercises email me.
Be sure you've been cleared by your doctor to exercise with this intensity.
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