Monday, January 31, 2011

Today begins the change

Today I'm excited to start practicing what I preach.  I've completed my meal plan for the week and will be doing 10 dips after each diaper change (before 8pm...even I'm not crazy enough to do dips after a late night feeding!).  I"m also set to go with my muscle bar and beginning ab workout. 

If your considering an ab workout and you've just had a baby (C-section or vaginal delevery) you'll want to test for an abdominal split.  Here's how:

Lay on your back with knees bent.  Come to a half crunch and hold it.  Using 2 fingers (perpendicular to your trunk) press down to find where the ab muscles come together in the center.  You want the pads of your fingers facing your head.  If you can fit 1-2 fingers in that space you have a normal split.  2-3 fingers and your have a larger split needing extra care before starting an ab program. 

Based on your findings:

1-2 finger split:
* 20 basic pilates breaths (inhale, exhale pull belly to spine keeping natural lower lumbar curve.)

* 10 basic crunches (cross arm over abdomen to create a corset)  inhale, exhale belly to spine and crunch.

* 15 bridges  (lay on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor) inhale, exhale belly to spine and press up squeezing gluts and abs.


2-3 finger split:

* 20 basic pilates breaths (inhale, exhale pull belly to spine keeping natural lower lumbar curve.)

*Modified leg lift laying on back, knees bent(cross arm over abdomen to create a corset),  (inhale, exhale belly to spine lifting one leg off ground about 1-2 inches and relax back down, alternating sides with each exhale) NO UPPER BODY CRUNCHES WITH THIS MOVE


Breakfast: Oatmeal with a Tbsp of soy protein, raisens, aguave syrup, and eggs (1 egg 2 whites)
Snack: handful of roasted almonds, apple
Lunch: Panera (Thai Salad, W/W bread, Chicken Noodle Soup
Snack: F/F cottage Cheese, kiwi slices
Dinner: Not sure (friend brining meal)
Snack: Greek yogurt with berries.

Water: Shooting for 3 liters (not so good so far!)

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