Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Is Better

Before you get too excited, I'm not talking about wine or chocolate!  The reference I'm making is to group fitness vs. self motivated individual fitness.  The more people you commit to...the better your chances if success.  If there is one thing I've learned over the last 7 years of working with women in group fitness is that they love to talk, share life stories, and stay connected for sanity reasons.  When you pair that with a great workout you get great physical results, a natural competitive edge to the class, a fun social opportunity, and best of all...long term commitment.   

What does this mean for you?  If your looking for a way to make working out less work...your not going to find it.  If you looking for a way to make working out more enjoyable...find a group fitness class for women and sign up!  Get rignt in there and make a few friends.  Not only will you have something in common automatically, but built in accountability.  When you don't show up because your bed seemed warmer, or because you couldn't find your left shoe...Friend "A" will call you to find out why you missed class. 

Another way to think of group exercise is to find a partner or 2.  Decide to meet for your workout at a certain time (6am in the cul-de-sac).  This way you'll feel bad about not showing up because the others actually got up early to make it and when your do show'll always be glad you did. 

So, now that I've got you thinking...start your summer plan off right and start working out today!

Fit 2b Mom classes are underway and offer so much more than just stroller classes for moms with small children.  Training for an event?  Getting ready for that high school reunion?  Just need to feel pool ready?  Check our website and see what fits you! 
Your first 3 classes are FREE!

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